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Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Self Introduction
I am scared of dogs. The reason why I am scared of it is because when I was 7 years old, my neighbour's friend asked his dog to catch me as he felt angry after I made fun of him .

The faster I try to run, the faster the dog try to catch me. In the end, I had no more strength to run. I quickly ran up on the bench and started crying as I was worried that the dog might bite me.

Whenever I am at my friends or relatives house who has a dog, I would always try to walk away quickly to avoid it or ask my relative to tie it up.

After the P6 PSLE examination, I would often go to my friend's house who has two dogs and I found that her dogs were quite cute and tried patting on it. Then, I realise that some dogs are not as scary as I thought. But sometimes, I would still be afraid of some big dogs that have sharp teeth.
(Your Name) ♥ 9:16 PM
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